by TC | Mar 17, 2016 | #HellaHealthy, Loving Yourself, Positivity, TC's Big Adventure, Uncategorized
I am writing this from Bakersfield, CA. I have spent the day staring at my computer screen in a vain attempt to get my brain to work after making a million million decisions (does this go into storage? front or back of unit? what will I wear for the next 6 months?...
by TC | Aug 16, 2015 | #HellaHealthy, Food
So tonight, hot and tired and needing a hit of healthy food, I made what I call Green Green Green Pasta. Sorry, but I can’t credit the original creator — I’ve forgotten where I found the idea for this. I didn’t make it up, but I’ve...
by TC | Aug 1, 2015 | #HellaHealthy, Food, Menus
I made fried rice the other night. I got the recipe from Rhys Ford: While you’re getting the recipe, take a look around. She’s a great writer with a range of books. This recipe is easy to follow and...
by TC | Jul 30, 2015 | #HellaHealthy, Food, Menus
I’m on a mission to cook all my own dinners. One thing I’ve learned is that this task is probably a lot easier than I have been making it. After living with a chef who had all the time in the world to make fantastic meals and hammered rules into my head...