Bio and Writing Samples


TC Currie is a journalist, writer, data geek, poet, body positive activist and occasional lingerie model. After spending 25 years in software development working with data movement and accessibility, she wrote her first novel during National Novel Writing Month and fell in love with writing.  Several of her tech articles have appeared on the front page of SlashDot. Her essays have been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Power of Gratitude, and won the silver medal at the Solas Travel Awards.

Her years as a data geek inform her reporting on cloud technology, DevOps, AI/ML and workplace culture for The New Stack, Programmable Web, and Sam Whitmore’s Media Survey.  She’s written content, some ghosted, some not, for Oracle, Cloudbees, NGNIX, Digital Ocean, and

TC now splits her time between podcasting for The Makers Series on, writing journalist articles and content, personal essays, poetry, and finishing Take the Easy Path: Creating Lasting Change through Self Love. Her collection of Transformational Poetry, Cookie Dough and Other Hugs in Poem Form is being turned into an audio book. 

Links to selected published work:, a tech blog about big data: TC Currie-The New

Recent articles:

How 2000 Droplets Broke the Enigma Code in 13 Minutes (this made the front page of both HackerNews and SlashDot)

Anonymous “Anonymous Cowards” are, for now, not welcome on SlashDot for Are Technica

Kubernetes Unicorn Kris Nova’s Docker Story Leads to Kuberentes

TheNewStack Makers Podcasts:

Dr. Ayesha Khana on Alleviating the Fear of AI

Ted Dunning on Why AI is both More Momentous and More Boring than You Think

Tyler McMullen, CTO of Fastly talks Edge, Hiring Engineers and Moonshots

Articles that have made the front page of SlashDot:

Who is Katherine Johnson and Why did the President Namecheck her as a Tech Pioneer?

New Hack Shrinks Docker Containers

GitHub Open Sources Their Internal Testing Tool

The Need for Speed: LinkedIn’s Rapid Release Timeline

GitHub Responds to User Dissatisfaction Over Issue Tracking

#InclusionDoneRight series
Inclusion Done Right in a World of Rampant Sexism: An Engineer Perspective

Inclusion Done Right: Taking Action

Inclusion Done Right: Hiring

Where Containers Fit into the Oracle Cloud

Innersource: Building Open Source Projects Behind Company Firewalls

Are you a 10x Programmer, or Just a Jerk?

Dudes for Diversity: How One Guy Can Make an Impact

Inclusion Done Right at the OpenStack Summit

Non-Tech writing

Me and My KindleTC Currie-MeandMyKindle

Me and My Kindle is a blog about all things Kindle, ranked in the top 100 of all Kindle blogs since 2010, and  Amazon’s #1 blog for the Kindle about Wireless & Mobile Technology,  and Amazon’s #1 blog for the Kindle about Consumer Electronics (ranked higher than one by Wired and several by CNet).  TC is a guest blogger doing book reviews.

Review of Count of Monte Cristo as read on the Kindle

The Kindle’s Most Popular Mystery

The Ghost of Fu-Man Chu, a blog about Body Positivity: TC Currie – Fattitude