by TC | Aug 10, 2016 | Positivity, TC's Big Adventure, Travel
We find our AirBnB place in a lovely neighborhood about 30 minutes away from the river, but close to a hip neighborhood. The room is large, but we have to walk through the kitchen and dining room to get to the bathroom, which is off the living room. The bathroom has...
by TC | Aug 2, 2016 | TC's Big Adventure, Travel
We decide to break our trip to Memphis in Oxford, MS, where William Faulkner lived and wrote. After leaving the Battle of New Orleans National Park, we head north. It turns out that Memphis is pretty much due north from NOLA, and Oxford is not too far out of the...
by TC | Jul 20, 2016 | TC's Big Adventure
The next day being Monday and free from work, we headed to the French Quarter to do the tourist thing. We started, of course, at Cafe duMonde, where I introduced Dave to authentic beignet. Two years before, a local had scoffed at the line of tourists and showed...
by TC | Jul 20, 2016 | TC's Big Adventure, Uncategorized
After packing up Toa, we head over the Chalmette and Jean Lafitte National Park whose visitor center is next to the battlefield where the Battle of New Orleans was fought. The BF really wanted to see it, so I went along. I hate war memorials. I’m a pacifist...
by TC | Jul 18, 2016 | TC's Big Adventure
So the BF arrived in New Orleans,where he met Katie for the first time. They like each other! Whew! 🙂 Several years ago, the BF gave me Louie Armstrong’s autobiography, which talks about his growing up in NOLA, his time in the orphanage, where he learned to...
by TC | Jun 20, 2016 | TC's Big Adventure
So I arrived in New Orleans (NOLA for those in the know) and had the whole weekend to myself. Katy and I have catching up to do, and I’m pretty worn out. Katy is the kind of friend who you don’t see for years and when you see them, it’s like no time...