The Universe thinks I’m deserving.
This is obvious because I can see
the waves of green green grass
on the springtime hills,
the silhouette of sparrows
as they fly across the orange blue teal
of the twilight sky,
and sunshine
casting diamonds across the surface of the lake.
God thinks I’m deserving.
This is obvious because I can hear
the laughter of playing children,
melodies that reach in and
wrap themselves around my soul,
and drums
that echo the beat of my heart.
The Divine thinks I’m deserving.
This is obvious because I can feel
the luxurious softness
of my pet’s fur,
the silky smoothness
of ice cream as it slides down my throat,
and the tingle
of my skin
your hands.
Goddess thinks I’m deserving.
This is obvious because there is
and chocolate,
and fruit
that dribbles sweet juice
down my chin.
If all these Holy Ones think I am deserving,
who am I
to say I am not?
Who am I?
Am I more understanding
than the Universe?
Am I more loving
than God?
Do I know better
than the Divine?
Am I smarter
than Goddess?
Well, it seems I must walk the path of logic
this time,
and acquiesce
to the evidence
of the irrefutable truth