So my new hairdresser asked me to share some Body Positivity mojo with her and I am sharing my answer here.  Luckily, one of my favs, Jes Baker, just published a list of people to follow, so that made my life a lot easier.

It’s often hard to know where to get started, and there’s so much body hatred out there, it’s an uphill battle for sure.  But worth it.  Here’s my advice:

So, for the Body Positivity people I follow, here’s a few for a good start:

Here’s an article from Jes Baker who wrote “Things No One Will Tell A Fat Girl” and is totally kiss ass.  
She lists other activists to follow, one of whom is Sonya Renee Taylor of The Body is Not an Apology (the name comes from a poem of hers that is pretty amazing.  You can watch it here.  This is an old video, where she’s talking about launching her movement).  TBINAA is where I first heard the term cis.  They are into body acceptance for every single body, and call out a lot of able-ism.  All of their photos are captioned with a description for visually impaired.  
The other activist, listed in Jes Baker’s article that I highly recommend is Virgie Tovar who started #LoseTheHateNotWeight.  She’s got a master’s degree in psych or sociology and talks about diet culture — how it’s all around us and how harmful it is, with humor and boldness.  Virgie has her own page and writes a column for Ravishly.
Whitney Way Thore (#NoBodyShame, or now #NoBS) came to fame when she posted a video on YouTube of herself dancing.  Fat Girl Dancing has over 2 million views and she started speaking publicly and has a reality show (My Big Fat Fabulous Life).  She has a book out and I happened to be in NC on our Road Trip and got to interview her.
And last but not least is Curvy Girl’s Chrystal Bougon who sells plus size lingerie and dispenses advice with equal sass.  The Curvy Girl page on FaceBook is an amazing community of positive people sharing advice and uplifting each other.  I modeled in two of her fashion shows and it was an amazing experience and got me my start on Body Positivity.  If you search through the pics, you may find a few of me 🙂
Enjoy the search!